Post by George at ClugPost by LeePost by JoeOn Tue, 25 Jun 2024 09:53:41 -0400
Post by LeeMy old laptop died; I just got a new one and it has _no_
Post by George at ClugPost by LeePost by JoePost by Leedrive.  But the Debian install from flash instructions
were excellent
Post by George at ClugPost by LeePost by JoePost by Lee& I now have a laptop running Debian.
My question is: how do I reformat the flash drive so it's
usable as a
Post by George at ClugDid you try gparted, a user friendly graphical partition manager?
No.  It wasn't installed and fdisk was, so I went with fdisk.
Post by George at ClugPost by LeeYes, but I did the "burn the boats" thing with my new desktop &
Post by George at ClugPost by Leewindows and installed debian.
Good on you !  I support you in this move.
If you have any grips or difficulties, please mention them.
My gripes and difficulties are the same thing.  No universal image
viewer like Ifranview, an html editor would be nice -- something
the lines of the seamonkey html editor but current software and
supported, something equivalent to notepad++, something equivalent
winmerge (meld is nice, but isn't really a substitute), a cloneSpy
equivalent would be nice, I'm getting used to the linux privoxy log
viewer vs. the iconified thing that sits there on the windows
Exact Audio Copy doesn't work on Linux, but supposedly does run
wine so that's a possibility.. Debian firefox does NOT allow one to
C:\UTIL>cat firefox-tlsdecode.bat
set SSLKEYLOGFILE=C:\Users\Lee\AppData\Local\Temp\FF-SSLkeys.txt
start C:\"Program Files\Firefox\Firefox.exe"
@rem  edit / preferences
@rem  protocols / tls  (v2.6: protocols / ssl)
@rem    paste SSLKEYLOGFILE filename into (Pre)-Master-Secret
filename (was SSL debug file entry)
But the major things that were keeping me from migrating to Debian
The xfce4-terminal window can be configured so that left double
selects a "word" and right click pastes it in
installing bits of the Chicago95 theme makes all the scrollbars
permanently visible, with up & down arrows at either end of the
bar that scroll by one line
clicking in the scrollbar trough above or below the bar scrolls the
window up one window size instead of jumping to that point in the
scroll buffer
Post by George at ClugPost by LeeMy remaining Windows 10 machine goes end of life... at the end
of the
Post by George at ClugPost by Leeyear?  So I need to learn how to live without windows -- which
I have
Post by George at ClugI would like you to keep a diary of your journey, of what
challenges you face and how you moved past, this could help other
people you know who want to make this journey.
I don't know how helpful a diary of my journey would be.  My
had a policy of Windows for the desktop and RedHat for servers in
centers, so I got used to cygwin on windows to ssh into linux
(that other people maintained).  Then Microsoft came out with the
Windows 10 spyware/operating-system-as-a-service and it was clearly
time to abandon ship.  Which wasn't possible at work, but at home
don't have to put up with the M$ crapware so.. new machine, blow
everything that came installed on it and install Debian on the PC at
To make a long story short, I have years of experience with the
end-user side of linux & almost none with the maintenance side..
formatting thumb drives or anything requiring sudo access.
Post by George at ClugI wonder what UI you are using?
Hi Lee,
Thanks for your response. Â
I abandoned Windows after Windows 8 when I learned they had included
"telemetry" at a significant level of data gathering. I understand
that our data is valuable to Tech companies to gather and sell, but I
would prefer if they did not.
You are doing some way more technical things than I ask of Linux. I do
not even use Bluefish which is a nice HTML editor. I do so little
technical things with Linux I only need the Mousepad text editor, and
of course, I use 'nano' not 'vim'.
I like XFCE, simple but effective. However because I am too lazy to
install specific useful applications, I usually install both Cinnamon
and XFCE, but then only ever log into XFCE. Doing this installs a
number of useful applications that I like. For example this way I get
to use a program that calls itself "Image Viewer". I once tracked down
its real name, but have forgotten it, 'eog' maybe?
I have issues remembering things, hence I use GUI applications that
have visible menus over Terminal applications that require the
memorisation of typed in commands, well, where ever possible. I do
resort to using the terminal to run 'find' for locating files, and
files containing text strings.
Recently I have been attempting to get Wine to work. Gecko does not
seem to install. I have no idea if 'wine msiexec' does anything, as it
never reports success or failure whether I specify a msi file that
exists or does not exist. When I run 'wine iexplore' the page is
blank, and I get an message like 'Could not find Wine Gecko' and no
page text is displayed. There are times like this with Linux where
things do not seem to work and documentation is quite limited. (If
anyone knows a simple solution to this issue, please let me know, but
I mention it, not to find a solution here, but as one my challenges in
using Linux). PlayOnLinux seems to work OK, not sure what they are
doing for Gecko?
I have used Steam's Pluton for running a few Windows Games my family
plays. I had to replaced our Nvidia GPUs for Radeon GPUs. I still
cannot get Nvidia to work well in either Debian or Arch Linux, despite
people on YouTube saying that Nvidia works well in Linux.
All the best on using Linux.