Post by Gerard ROBINDate: Fri, 30 Aug 2024 06:49:41 +0100
Subject: Re: printer replacement
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On Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:27:39 +0200
Hello Gerard,
I suspect this will fall on deaf ears, but hear goes......
Four people replied to this exact same question when you asked it
Please read them.
thanks for your reply. Sorry for sending this useless email. I had forgotten
that I was no longer registered on the debian-user list and when I didn't get
a response to my message I realized it and I registered and resent my message.
I read the messages of those who answered me and I thank them. I was asking
for help because I tried to configure the HP Smart Tank 7006 printer but it
was impossible: HPLIP is not suitable, CUPS does not see the printer, avahi
does not either. The Linux driver for this printer is missing. Finally I
returned it and now I'm still looking ... I will think about what Van Snyder
wrote and look elsewhere than at HP ?
Thanks again to all four of you.
I have had great luck with brother printers when cups is neutered so all
the the factory drivers, which can make the brothers do everything
advertised in the brochure. I have a decade old ink squirter that does
tabloid if that paper is hand fed. An MFC-J6920-DW. Even its lid scanner
is tabloid sized. I also have a B&W laser, the $120 model HL-L2320D now
about 3 years old & just last week put the 2nd new toner in it. 19 or 20
duplex pages a minute. Dudlex is automatic for both if cups-browsed is
removed. The cups one size fits all doesn't. It limits the big printer
to feeding $0.50 a sheet foto paper from the top tray, and mucks up the
color while disabling duplex on both printers.
Brothers support for linux systems is great and far less intrusive, no
spyware. The big ink squirter's ink tanks are reasonable compared to
others due to active competition among the ink mixers, you aren't
limited to brother only inks unless you've calibrated it with brother
stuff. Huge, several reams of paper sized black tanks are available for
the big beast.
And tabloid cuts the number of sheets to 1/4 needed for a rockhopper map
of the logic of a linuxcnc machine, a printout of which may require a
4x8 sheet of plywood to paste it up.
Goto the brother site and download their installer script pkg, Unzip it
and run it. It looks at the system to see what it is, then asks you for
the complete model number, goes to the brother site and downloads and
installs the exact driver your brother printer needs and you can then
configure it with the cups home page at localhost:631.
Remember what you named it, there will be other drivers visible in the
cups web page, or in the requester your DE pops up when the print option
is selected, drivers cups installed, but the brother drivers work
flawlessly. Use them and be amazed, they Just Work to the full
capabilities of the printer. They make owning a printer fun.
Cheers, Gene Heskett, CET.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
- Louis D. Brandeis