mail tags in kmail?
(too old to reply)
2024-05-16 16:20:01 UTC
Dear list,

does anyone know, where kmail is storing its tags for mails? The tags I mean
are those like "already read".

Background: When I rsync the folder with my mails, which is here ~/.kde/
share/apps/kmail/mail , to another computer, then all new mails are tagged as
"not read" on the target computer in kmail, although they were read on the
source computer in kmail.

Thus I believe, I did not rsync the tags, and they are stored somwhere else.

Does one know where? I hope, it is not in akonadi, as this is to feasable to
fiddly for me and implies too great danger to crash the whole thing.

Thanks for any answer.

Anssi Saari
2024-05-17 10:20:01 UTC
Post by Hans
Dear list,
does anyone know, where kmail is storing its tags for mails? The tags I mean
are those like "already read".
I've never done that but maybe this helps, from

6.10. How do I transfer my mail and settings to another computer (or to
another user account on the same machine)?

Use Tools -> Import/Export KMail Data... to import and export settings
and data. Please see PIM Setting Exporter for details.
