Thomas Schmitt
2024-07-22 19:40:01 UTC
after the striking success with my previous vim problem, i want to
tackle another nuisance of the 11-to-12 upgrade.
The window manager fvwm2 does not start the Modules and does not produce
the Buttons which are prescribed by my ~/.fvwm2rc . I am direly missing
FvwmPager for my 8x2 multi-desktop and FvwmButtons for my xterm-making
I have to run a script for new xterms and to move a little xterm window
to squeeze my way through the borders between the desktop screens.
(There were key combinations to change desktops. But i forgot them.)
So how could i debug the start of fvwm Modules ?
Is there any log file or configuration option ?
Configuration and observations:
My init function is
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ "I" Module FvwmBanner
+ "I" Exec xterm -ls -geometry +150+85
+ "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Exec xli -onroot -fillscreen -border /usr/share/X11/fvwm2/pixmaps/slate.gif
+ "I" Module FvwmCommandS
To my luck the "Exec xterm" works and gives me a starting point for more
xterms and other programs.
The pager is probably (*) started by
*FvwmButtons (2x1 Frame 0 Swallow(UseOld) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0")
so one could suspect that only the module FvwmButtons is broken.
But i have a menu with module start commands which do not work either:
AddToMenu modules_popup "Modules" Title
+ "Buttons" Module FvwmButtons
+ "Command" Module FvwmCommand
+ "Console" Module FvwmConsole
+ "Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
(*) My .fvwm2rc is more than 20 years old and was inherited from SuSE.
So i do not remember or did never learn many things which it does.
I remember to have seen "Fvwm..." processes in the output of "ps".
Currently i see only
/usr/bin/ssh-agent fvwm2
(I don't know what ssh-agent has to do with fvwm2. But i have seen it in
the "ps" listings in the past. "dbus" was involved, too. But that might
have been a while ago.)
Have a nice day :)
after the striking success with my previous vim problem, i want to
tackle another nuisance of the 11-to-12 upgrade.
The window manager fvwm2 does not start the Modules and does not produce
the Buttons which are prescribed by my ~/.fvwm2rc . I am direly missing
FvwmPager for my 8x2 multi-desktop and FvwmButtons for my xterm-making
I have to run a script for new xterms and to move a little xterm window
to squeeze my way through the borders between the desktop screens.
(There were key combinations to change desktops. But i forgot them.)
So how could i debug the start of fvwm Modules ?
Is there any log file or configuration option ?
Configuration and observations:
My init function is
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ "I" Module FvwmBanner
+ "I" Exec xterm -ls -geometry +150+85
+ "I" Module FvwmButtons
+ "I" Exec xli -onroot -fillscreen -border /usr/share/X11/fvwm2/pixmaps/slate.gif
+ "I" Module FvwmCommandS
To my luck the "Exec xterm" works and gives me a starting point for more
xterms and other programs.
The pager is probably (*) started by
*FvwmButtons (2x1 Frame 0 Swallow(UseOld) "FvwmPager" "Module FvwmPager 0 0")
so one could suspect that only the module FvwmButtons is broken.
But i have a menu with module start commands which do not work either:
AddToMenu modules_popup "Modules" Title
+ "Buttons" Module FvwmButtons
+ "Command" Module FvwmCommand
+ "Console" Module FvwmConsole
+ "Pager" Module FvwmPager 0 0
(*) My .fvwm2rc is more than 20 years old and was inherited from SuSE.
So i do not remember or did never learn many things which it does.
I remember to have seen "Fvwm..." processes in the output of "ps".
Currently i see only
/usr/bin/ssh-agent fvwm2
(I don't know what ssh-agent has to do with fvwm2. But i have seen it in
the "ps" listings in the past. "dbus" was involved, too. But that might
have been a while ago.)
Have a nice day :)