htmldoc default font size
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Roger Price
2024-06-23 15:00:01 UTC
I'm using htmldoc 1.9.11-4+deb11u3 to convert html files to pdf. When playing
with the fontsize option I discover that the default is not a whole number, more
like 11.2 points. Is this the expected behaviour ?

Background: The manual at https://www.msweet.org/htmldoc/htmldoc.html#3_2_23
says “The --fontsize option specifies the base font size for the entire document
in points (1 point = 1/72nd inch)”, but doesn't say what the default value is if
the option is omitted.

What is the default font size?

Dan Ritter
2024-06-23 16:00:02 UTC
Post by Roger Price
I'm using htmldoc 1.9.11-4+deb11u3 to convert html files to pdf. When
playing with the fontsize option I discover that the default is not a whole
number, more like 11.2 points. Is this the expected behaviour ?
Background: The manual at https://www.msweet.org/htmldoc/htmldoc.html#3_2_23
says “The --fontsize option specifies the base font size for the entire
document in points (1 point = 1/72nd inch)”, but doesn't say what the
default value is if the option is omitted.
What is the default font size?
Use this as a test file:

<body><p>here is the base text</p></body></html>

run it through htmldoc without using a --fontsize option, open
the resulting pdf and measure?

htmldoc is very badly outdated; if you want proper control, you
want to use pandoc (yes, Debian packages it) and a CSS file.

Roger Price
2024-06-24 08:20:01 UTC
Post by Dan Ritter
<body><p>here is the base text</p></body></html>
run it through htmldoc without using a --fontsize option, open
the resulting pdf and measure?
I no longer have a working printer, but when I get access to one, I'll do
some measurements.
Post by Dan Ritter
htmldoc is very badly outdated; if you want proper control, you
want to use pandoc (yes, Debian packages it) and a CSS file.
I see at https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#variables-for-latex that pandoc has the
linestretch and fontsize controls for the LaTeX used to produce PDF.


2024-06-23 16:10:01 UTC
I'm using htmldoc 1.9.11-4+deb11u3 to convert html files to pdf.  When
playing with the fontsize option I discover that the default is not a whole
number, more like 11.2 points.
Hmm, maybe the author used something in mm? Weird. 4mm is 11.33 points.

An ASCII character walks into a bar and orders a double. "Having a bad
day?" asks the barman. "Yeah, I have a parity error," replies the ASCII
chrcter. The barman says, "Yeah, I thought you looked a bit off." - Skud